Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Edge Effects

1. cellar, 6/13/10, 9:30 pm, Rexburg, ID. f9, shutter speed 30 sec, Canon 7d, ISO 100
2. Balmforth Family, 6/12/10, 11:00 am. Rexburg, ID. F8, shutter speed 125, Canon 7d, ISO 100
3. Rhya, 6/12/10, 11:30 am. Rexburg, ID. f8, shutter speed 125, Canon 7d, ISO 100

The picture of the cellar is unedited, I just decided to do an edge effect to it.

I took my sister-in-laws family pictures and I thought it would fun to do a couple of edge effects to these picture. Because the background of the pictures were white, I put black in the background.


  1. Incredible edits here. You are an amazing photographer. Every time I think that I have done a good job I look at your post and I'm put to shame. i love the brushed edges and your border on the family pic is very nice. Great job.

  2. i really loved the brushed edges on the first and last photos. They look really good! The border around the family really gives the portrait a different style. Just awesome!

  3. Great borders! They really accent the great photos that you took. Looking at the family portrait I had an idea. It would look cool if you could mask out the border down in the corner where the mom's foot is so close to the edge and make it look like her foot was hanging over the edge. I dunno, just something you could play with for fun. I really like the border that you have on it now, it gives it a really classy look. Great job!

  4. I am not a fan of the brush border normally, but you really made it look fantastic, it just fit for that photo! Very professional. I like your edits.

  5. I'm loving the elegant edge effects you have they look great. I think the last two look better than the first, but the brushed edges do look good.
